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Ecuador Escorted Tours

20-Night Cruising Galapagos W/ Peru, Ec Amazon & Lake Titicaca

Buffet breakfast daily (B), 10 lunches (L), and 8 three-course dinners (D); Local Host service in each city; sightseeing with a Local Guide and transportation as outlined in the day-by-day itinerary (except intra-vacation flights, which are additional; inside visits and special features are shown in UPPERCASE).


Day #1 Arrive Quito, Ecuador. Arrive in Quito, where you will be met by your Local Host.
Day #2 Quito. Your included city TOUR showcases the rich legacy left by the Incas and, later, the Spaniards. See Independence Square dominated by its formidable Cathedral, San Francisco Plaza Church, and the BASILICA with its marvelous stained-glass windows. (B)
Day #3 Quito–Coca–Amazon Lodge. Fly to Coca and travel by motorized CANOE to your selected Amazon lodge, your home base for the next three nights. (B,L,D)
Day #4 Amazon Lodge. At the Napo Wildlife Center: Your time in the Amazon accompanied by a Local Guide includes early morning EXCURSIONS to parrot clay licks; dugout canoe rides in search of river otters, potoos, kingfishers, hoatzins, jacamars, hawks, and monkeys; and walks along the canopy platform to view Spider Monkeys, aracaris, toucans, Blue and Gold Macaws, numerous species of tanagers, and the Red-Rumped Cacique. In your free time, consider a walk through the jungle in search of interesting plants and colorful or well-camouflaged insects. You are also invited to join families of the Anangu indigenous community on their daily activities, such as harvesting bananas, coco, manioc, or preparing chichi. (B,L,D daily)

At the Sacha Lodge: During your stay, enjoy EXCURSIONS with a Naturalist who introduces you to the Amazon. On the suspended rainforest canopy walk your Naturalist points out many different species of vibrantly colored birds. Jungle walks show off the immense biodiversity and medicinal plants that have been used by the native cultures for hundreds of years. Visit the lodge’s butterfly house, one of Ecuador’s largest, and take a night walk or canoe ride with a Local Guide to discover creatures that can rarely be seen during the day! You will also cruise through the flooded forest in search of troops of squirrels, capuchin, and howler monkeys—and maybe even the incredibly well camouflaged 3-toed sloth. After fishing for piranhas, arrive at the Kapok Tree tower, perched 135-feet high. Get close-up views of birds as the sun sets on volcanic Mount Sumaco and the Andes. (B,L,D daily)
Day #5 Amazon Lodge. At the Napo Wildlife Center: Your time in the Amazon accompanied by a Local Guide includes early morning EXCURSIONS to parrot clay licks; dugout canoe rides in search of river otters, potoos, kingfishers, hoatzins, jacamars, hawks, and monkeys; and walks along the canopy platform to view Spider Monkeys, aracaris, toucans, Blue and Gold Macaws, numerous species of tanagers, and the Red-Rumped Cacique. In your free time, consider a walk through the jungle in search of interesting plants and colorful or well-camouflaged insects. You are also invited to join families of the Anangu indigenous community on their daily activities, such as harvesting bananas, coco, manioc, or preparing chichi. (B,L,D daily)

At the Sacha Lodge: During your stay, enjoy EXCURSIONS with a Naturalist who introduces you to the Amazon. On the suspended rainforest canopy walk your Naturalist points out many different species of vibrantly colored birds. Jungle walks show off the immense biodiversity and medicinal plants that have been used by the native cultures for hundreds of years. Visit the lodge’s butterfly house, one of Ecuador’s largest, and take a night walk or canoe ride with a Local Guide to discover creatures that can rarely be seen during the day! You will also cruise through the flooded forest in search of troops of squirrels, capuchin, and howler monkeys—and maybe even the incredibly well camouflaged 3-toed sloth. After fishing for piranhas, arrive at the Kapok Tree tower, perched 135-feet high. Get close-up views of birds as the sun sets on volcanic Mount Sumaco and the Andes. (B,L,D daily)
Day #6 Coca–Quito. Depart your Amazon lodge and fly from Coca to Quito today. The remainder of your afternoon is at leisure. (B)
Day #7 Quito–Baltra–Santa Cruz (Embarkation)–Galápagos Cruising. Take a morning flight to Baltra, one of the remote Galápagos Islands. Upon arrival, board the Galápagos Explorer II and enjoy five days of cruising among various Galápagos Islands. This afternoon, walk by a brackish lagoon, where flamingos can be found. Then, climb DRAGON HILL, a nesting ground for land iguanas, with lovely views of the nearby islands. (B,L,D)
Day #8 Cruising: Genovesa Island. Disembark at the base of Prince Philip’s Steps and climb up the stairs to a trail where birdlife abounds. A walk reveals large colonies of masked boobies, blue-footed boobies, frigatebirds, storm petrels, and even short-eared owls. In the afternoon, disembark at DARWIN BAY to observe hundreds of birds. Return to the beach for swimming and snorkeling while looking for tropical fish, golden rays, and, hopefully, some hammerhead or Galápagos sharks. (B,L,D)
Day #9 Cruising: North Seymour & Santa Cruz Islands. Today begins on NORTH SEYMOUR. The interior has a Palo Santo and small Opuntia forest with blue-footed boobies and magnificent frigatebird colonies. Next up: the highlands of SANTA CRUZ, marked by extinct volcanoes and astonishing plants. Here you are likely to see Galápagos rails, cattle egrets, and flycatchers. (B,L,D)
Day #10 Cruising: San Cristobal Island. Wake up at PUNTA PITT, the easternmost point in the islands. A somewhat difficult trail leads you to the only place in the archipelago where all three types of booby exist, nesting next to both types of frigates. Cruise to JUNCO or LA LOBERÍA. Visitors to Junco see the only permanent freshwater lake in the islands. La Lobería is home to a large sea lion colony. (B,L,D)
Day #11 Cruising: San Cristobal (Disembarkation)–Quito-Lima. Disembark and fly to Lima. (B)
Day #12 Lima. Your included city TOUR focuses on Lima’s rich colonial history as well as the modern city. Lima was the bastion of Spanish South America from its founding in 1535 until the independence of the South American republics in the early 19th century. See the Cathedral, where the remains of Francisco Pizarro are sealed in a wooden coffin and with its eerie burial crypts. (B)
Day #13 Lima–Cusco. Fly to Cusco high in the Andes. Your guided TOUR visits the Santo Domingo MONASTERY, previously the Koricancha Temple, one of the most important temples devoted to worship of the sun. It is said it was covered in gold leaf and filled with golden representations of nature. In the Plaza de Armas, see the Cathedral before taking a short drive outside the city to the ruins of SACSAYHUAMAN with its intricate stone walls, amphitheatre of KENKO, and the Red Fortress of PUCA PUCARA. (B)
Day #14 Cusco–Sacred Valley. Today, a short drive into the Sacred Valley of the Incas brings you to AWANAKANCHA, where you will learn about the importance of the alpaca (llama) for Inca cultures as well as the ancient weaving techniques. Continue, to the market town of PISAC. Handmade rugs, alpaca sweaters, and jewelry can be bought here at bargain prices. At the other end of the valley is OLLANTAYTAMBO. Here, some of the finest examples of Inca masonry can be seen. (B,L)
Day #15 Sacred Valley–Machu Picchu. Board a TRAIN bound for MACHU PICCHU and cut a path through the Sacred Valley to this “Lost City of the Incas,” discovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911. On a guided TOUR, explore this intact fortress with its temple remains, holy houses, and mile-long aqueduct. For hikers, a brisk one-hour walk leads to the Sun Gate, the ancient entrance used by the Incas. (B,L,D)
Day #16 Machu Picchu–Cusco. A morning at leisure in Machu Picchu allows you to wake up early to see the sunrise over MACHU PICCHU. Return to Cusco, where your Local Host will recommend options for your free time. Perhaps visit the Inca Museum or wander through the artisan district of San Blas. (B)
Day #17 Cusco–Juliaca–Puno. Arrive in Juliaca, where you will be transferred to Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca. (B)
Day #18 Puno. Lake Titicaca Excursion. Today, enjoy a full-day sailing on LAKE TITICACA and take a motorboat to some of the lake’s more unique islands. Start with TAQUILE, once part of the Inca Empire and one of the last areas of Peru to be conquered by Spain in the 16th century. The Spanish banned traditional dress on the island, which is why the Spanish peasant dress can still be found today. Next, travel to the fascinating UROS ISLANDS, home to the Uros Indians who were forced to live on the lake as the Incas pushed farther into their territory. These islands are completely made from reeds, which are continually added to as they disintegrate to the bottom of the lake. (B,L)
Day #19 Puno–Sillustani–Juliaca–Lima. Depart for Juliaca this morning, visiting the ruins of SILLUSTANI en route. At this pre-Incan burial ground, see where the ancient Aymaras buried their high priests in chullpas, above-ground cylinder-shaped tombs dating back to the 1400s. Transfer to the airport for your return flight to Lima, where the remainder of the day is at your leisure. (B)
Day #20 Lima. Your vacation ends with breakfast this morning. (B)

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